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Daylighting and Environmental Impact in Interiors
9 June 2020

Daylighting and Environmental Impact in Interiors

As daylight reveals the space form, it is also essential for the rhythm of life. While daylight resets our chronotype every day, it plays a big role in the biological and psychological process in our life. The cycles of light, the length of the day, the solar intensity, the seasonal sky type, the sun arc from dawn to darkness are the most fundamental nature of our life.

There are many subjective and objective reasons why a building is illuminated by daylight. Daylighting creates a pleasant and inviting effect in spaces. When it designed properly, it can provide a dynamic and beautiful environment, improve the visual environment, increase the satisfaction of the residents, and improve circadian rhythm and reduce energy consumptions by reducing the load of artificial lighting.

Parameters related to the location, environment and volume of the building are effective in benefiting from the daylight. The parameters related to the location of the building can be listed as the surrounding natural and artificial obstacles, the heights of these obstacles and the properties of light reflectivity. While the parameters related to the perimeter of the building are related to the orientation, form and dimensions of the building, the parameters related to its volume are related to the form, size, location of the ceiling, wall, flooring materials and furniture used in the space and the surface properties of these.

In this study, a single-story building surrounded by high-rise buildings was designed in order to reveal the effect of environmental parameters on daylight (Figure 1). A study room was detailed in this building where daylight analysis will be conducted. The windows were placed in the southeast and southwest facade of the building.

Daylight Analysis

Figure 1. Architectural render of the building and its surroundings where daylight analysis will be performed.

Then two different scenarios were planned. Daylight performance analysis of the designed study room was made on 21 June for Istanbul.

Scenario-1: Assumed that high-rise buildings were placed in the immediate vicinity of the office, so the windows were blocked by direct daylight.

Scenario-2: Assumed that there are no high-rise buildings in the immediate vicinity of the office, so the windows are not obstructed by daylight.

Real-time simulations of Scenario-1 in Video-1 and Scenario-2 in Video-2 are shown.

Video-1. Real-Time Simulations of Scenario-1 and Scenario-2

In Video-1, it was observed that the direct daylight was blocked due to high-rise buildings and that daylight decreased in the areas near the window. For this reason, it was determined that the daylight could not be transmitted to the depths of the room.

In Video-2, since direct daylight is not blocked, high levels of daylight were detected in the areas near the window.

This study shows the effect of the environment on daylight in providing indoor visual comfort conditions. Many parameters that will have an effect on daylight such as these environmental issues can be examined at the building design stage. Following these, it is possible for users in a place to perform their visual activities without any difficulty, to benefit from daylight optimally, to create better health conditions, and to increase productivity.