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Home  >  Research  >  The Effect of Air Circulation and Window Properties on User Thermal Comfort in a Classroom: A CFD Analysis

The Effect of Air Circulation and Window Properties on User Thermal Comfort in a Classroom: A CFD Analysis


In this paper, the thermal comfort level of a classroom at an academic building (SCOLA) in the Özyeğin University campus has been studied. Our primary focus is on the optical properties of window glasses and their impact on thermal comfort. The classroom is equipped with ceiling diffusers for mechanical ventilation (MV), and additional natural ventilation is assumed to be supplied by opening windows depending on user preferences. For the evaluation of thermal comfort, computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulation has carried out and the solar heat gain from windows were compared. Effects of solar transmissivity (Tsolar) of window glasses and mean radiant temperature (MRT) on thermal comfort are analyzed in detail. Different scenarios have been performed with the wavelength dependent absorption coefficient of window glasses, mechanical and natural ventilation alternatives and their combinations.

Thermal comfort criteria have been qualified by using analytical approximation specified in ISO 7730 Standard with CFD simulations results. All simulations and measurement performed have been on stationary scenarios. However, unsteady effects resulting from instantaneous changes of occupants’ behaviors and outdoor conditions resulting from weather changes need to take into account in further studies.


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